A Moment to Remember

Bali. Won’t be as much as memorable moment if I go with my friend, but it was because my bf and I spent the weekend together. Simple. We had had a very great time. Cuddling. Laughing. Enjoying the sands, beaches, sunset. Having romantic dinner. Exploring unknown place, and so on.

Bali is more than what I think. It made what an impossible thing becomes possible. An unexpected thing becomes expected. A dream becomes reality. A word becomes promise.

Bali promises me him. Promises me with something beyond my expectation. A proposal to be his wife. Bali made my June as the best month I’ve ever had. Bali, sorry I can’t give you anything, except many thanks that you give me that chance. That memorable moment with my beloved one.

Bali. I just wanna thanks God and you for giving us a way to escalate our relationship. And for giving an angel to my life.

I love you.

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